Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Takin' It Back

This is the handsome face I came home to last night, after a long cruddy night class. Remember how I said we are just not romantic? Proven a whole other kind of wrong. Sorry these pics are so blurry camera phone + surprised + touched + I wanna hug you not take pics of you moment = shaky wobbly bad pics.

For a guy who NEVER cooks, I was impressed with shrimp alfredo and garlic bread :) Also an Amazon gift card (kindle reading crazy girls love these). Chocolate dipped strawberries, chocolate pie, chocolate ice cream...this is how well he knows me. A dinner for Cait requires more chocolatey dessert than food.

Don't forget the yellow brick road of my favorite ever symphony bars...

This leads to the office where a massage table was waiting, I woulda taken pictures, but I was too busy being pampered...I love love my man. He really loves me too :)

So maybe I had a bad attitude about the "day of love", but I'm grateful I have the bestest Valentine for all of eternity. Here's to celebrating love every day forever baby.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Because I Feel Like It :)

I feel a good free-write coming on. It's too late, can't stop me now. You get to hear all of it.

Thoughts of no apparent order or purpose:

1. I am finally ready to throw away the crud and get healthy people. There. I said it. You think a lot more about every bite that goes in ya when it comes out of ya much more violently. Was that hamburger really worth it this weekend? Takes one bout of food poisoning to decide that food should not be fast. Nope. Done.

2. Uhm, Valentine's day is approaching. All you creative people out there are excited and planning. I am dreading. We. Are. Not. A. Romantic. Couple. Lessons learned the hard way. We love each other more and more every day, we always put each other before ourselves...but we don't get the mushy gush. I need a simple and quick meaningful idea so when the relief society sisters talk about their Feb 14th adventures on the Sunday after the heart day I don't feel like a cold heartless loser, or it's not happenin. See why I have a hard time with this holiday? Help.

3. This is the best semester of my life. I am volunteering at an elementary school, get to help with an Opera Club, and uhh I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE IT. It's a blessing to realize you are on the right track, that you really can be what you've always wanted to be (despite people saying the pay sucks and you burn out quicker than a match in rain storm etc.) I had a rather new/old epiphany. Old because I've always known it and new because I've never realized it until now. If that makes sense. I understand, like, appreciate, enjoy, respect, love, admire, feel more comfortable around KIDS than ADULTS. And...that's ok. I don't think I'll ever quit being a kid. And that's ok too :)

4. I have GOT to do the dishes. They are creeping me out.