Sunday, October 23, 2011


Two people in love + camping + fishing + clay pigeon shooting + BYU game watching+ more fishing = never catching anything, freezing booties off in our tent, realizing I am no longer Annie Oakley, a boring BYU game only cause we were STOMPING poor ISU in the FACE.


I guess it's a good thing we don't have pictures cause that means we were having too much fun to even think of it or care, but I am kind of bummed. I would have liked to get a picture of Marshall's entire fishing pole swinging from a tree limb like Tarzan (he did it on purpose cause he got bored of trying to untangle his line from the tree), it would have been nice to get a pic of the beautiful lake at sunset, or how cool we looked shooting at the range, whatever just try to picture the awesomeness. I will forever stain the world wide web with my written memory so no one can ever forget that we had fun?!?!? in Logan?!?! Maybe we will start to love living here if we escape our forbidden cave of a house more often and learn to associated this lovely city with things other than school, mental strain, and deathly stress...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bout Time

Scary how the time zooms by...seems like in a flash we are back into the swing of school, only I don't feel like I'm swinging...more like dangling there holding on for dear life. Whatever.. every now and then it is good healthy to dangle. I think I needed it. All the sudden I am appreciating things a whole lot more. Simple things like, getting into bed before midnight, having dinner
at the table.
from the oven.
not the microwave.
Believe it or not, frozen burritos get old. Super old. This busy schedule has even ruined granola bars and fruit snacks...never thought I'd say that. Basically a thousand tests in a row, a big fat program application, and a gajillion math/stats/physics/psych/geo assignments later...for the first time in weeks I took a breath. I found out that breathing is prrretty important.
I think the big guy on top is trying to tell me something. The past two conferences have had some sort of emphasis about balance in one way or another. Balance isn't as easy as it seems, because sometimes there are a ton of priorities that are unique and important, they all need finished, and it's kinda hard to put them in order of importance.
BLEH...not gonna have some story about a shock of inspiration on how to balance perfectly.
BUT I think I am in the thick of figuring out a life long lesson. This weekend I just chucked school out the window. It was a little bit scary and a lotta bit blissful. I spent time just being a wife. I baked :) cleaned :( and cuddled :) not sure if it was scholastically wise, but when I have my eternal glasses on, it looks like the best decision I have made in a looong time.