The solidity of these hills make me love them; the constant expectation of the unexpected. This is how it should be. Let the world change around me, but I won’t jump into the spokes. Life is supposed to be this obvious. Live, love, learn and do whatever you can to make it back in one piece. It sounds so clear when you are breathing this clean air. But I know the second I see the first man-made road I know it will lead me back into a place where clear is ancient and out-dated, a place that says “things must be complicated now; things must be murky and tainted”.
It will be still here. There will be peace here, which allows love and clarity to envelope and crush all doubts and fears. Love, truth, unchanging faith, and growing knowledge: this is reality, the only real place on Earth.
I wonder what it is about reality that people fear so much. What is it about scum that makes a human being feel safe? Perhaps it is because it is much easier to be around scum, scum doesn’t expect much out of a person. All one must do is be filthy too. Reality, truth, and light demand a certain consciousness to become, to rise up beyond the filth of the world, and desire to be clean. It is here I will rise, high on the mountain top I will choose to become. Though at times I must return to the spinning spokes, I will keep my eye on the center of the wheel; the house of the Lord.