This is the handsome face I came home to last night, after a long cruddy night class. Remember how I said we are just not romantic? Proven a whole other kind of wrong. Sorry these pics are so blurry camera phone + surprised + touched + I wanna hug you not take pics of you moment = shaky wobbly bad pics.
For a guy who NEVER cooks, I was impressed with shrimp alfredo and garlic bread :) Also an Amazon gift card (kindle reading crazy girls love these). Chocolate dipped strawberries, chocolate pie, chocolate ice cream...this is how well he knows me. A dinner for Cait requires more chocolatey dessert than food.
Don't forget the yellow brick road of my favorite ever symphony bars...
This leads to the office where a massage table was waiting, I woulda taken pictures, but I was too busy being pampered...I love love my man. He really loves me too :)
So maybe I had a bad attitude about the "day of love", but I'm grateful I have the bestest Valentine for all of eternity. Here's to celebrating love every day forever baby.
PDF Ebook Scaredy Squirrel
5 years ago