Sunday, December 12, 2010

Joy In My World

Jenkins Lloyd Jones:
“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed.
“[The fact is] most putts don’t drop. Most beef is tough. Most children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. …
“Life is like an old-time rail journey—delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.
“The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride"

I love this quote, because it makes me think about how grateful I am for my journey. I am grateful for the ups and downs of life…because what’s the fun of a roller coaster if it is just a straight, slow, and uneventful track. The anomalies of life keep me sane, keep me happy.
                     I love…
  • ·         The bus, because that’s where I make all my new friends
  • ·         Surprise visits by good friends. They always happen at times that seem most inconvenient til’ you realize you needed it more than ever.
  • ·         To smile even when times make it hard, because I know smiles have magic, and they make things feel less heavy.
  • ·         The sweet smiles I get in return.
  • ·         Thinking of Christmas presents to give when I’m broke, because it forces me to come up with something meaningful.
  • ·         Marshall’s cold feet on my  warm feet at night, because then I know his homework is finally done, and he is finally next to me.
  • ·         Cold weather because then I get to drink hot chocolate!
  • ·         That finals week is almost here, because that means I’m all the closer to seeing my big sister, and dearest friend.
  • ·         The knowledge of my Savior and his gospel
  • ·         A warm home after a cold walk
  • ·         Baking treats instead of doing homework
  • ·         A family who knows me inside and out
  • ·         Dearest friends
  • ·         Marshall’s hugs
  • ·         You!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Every season, after Thanksgiving our family endeavors a mountain adventure to find a Christmas tree. This trip  usually ends with a grand finale of the dads getting impatient and trudging off to find a tree suitable to their standards, while the rest of us are left at the trucks to entertain ourselves til' they return. Here's how we do it :)
Camden, and mostly Marshall dug a snow cave...

COLD! Even though he wouldn't wear a coat, I at least got him to wear my gloves...

This snow cave became a tunnel...come in through the top OR bottom of the hill. Their creativity gives a good idea of how long the papa's were taking to find our trees!

Before I forced him to at least wear my gloves. 
We TRIED to sled...notice Marshall's sled left at the top of the hill :)

The hill got boring, so they used their man power to pull each other on the sled instead! I love my cute cousins.
On the day of Thanksgiving, dad taught Marshall the ways of the hunting master. Mom wasn't too happy about their idea of spending the holiday, but dad's success on shooting a deer caused Marshall to say that was definitely one of the more exciting thanksgivings he'd had...and it helped him work off all that grub!
"I think my deer is right down in there"

This pic is from a different hunting trip. I think he loves me ;)

This picture is for the Folkman family. I just think they will be excited about the logo on my hat. It was the only orange cap my dad had to offer...and I didn't want to get shot for Pete's sake!